$62.50 CAD
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Interesting Civil War era magazine published in Philadelphia, meant for women.
Signed by owner "Mrs Jas. R. Belden"
August 1864
Edited T.S. Arthur & Virginia Townsend
Vol. XXIV No. 2
T.S. ARTHUR & CO. 323 Walnut St. Philadelphia
TERMS: $2 a year, in advance Four copies for one year $5
7 full-page illustrations at front: 2 art and remainder fashion.
Pages 59-100 with variety of stories and articles.
On back pages, advertising for CDVs of Union Army and Navy Officers, Brover and Baker Sewing Machines.
On back over, interesting illustrated full page advertising
Illinois Central Railway offer for sale of One Million acres of Superior Farming Lands, Not surpassed by any in the World…lie along the whole line of the railway
Forty acres at $10 per acre on long credit….
Nice farming image of abundant crops being harvested, steam train entering town in background. Drawn by ‘WATERS – SON’
Edges crinkled.
9 ¼ “ x 6 ¼”
Arthur's Home Magazine began in 1861, succeeding The Ladies' Home Magazine and continuing its volume numbering. It ran until 1871, when it was succeeded by Arthur's Lady's Home Magazine.